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Extend 2 surfaces together


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I was wondering if anybody knows of a script that will allow me to extend 2 editable mesh surfaces together so I can ensure there are no gaps between the two surfaces.


Maybe Max can do it and I haven't found the command yet.


The second question is how can I change the Z value of a number of vertexs at the same time. I can change them individually but if I pick a few of them the Z value is greyed out



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One way to extend surfaces together is Connect which is in the compound objects creation panel. There's also edge bridging under the edit poly commands. Or depending on what you want - cap holes modifier might do the trick?

Edited by Bruce Hart
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Thanks for you feedback.


I have data that I took in from Civil 3D. I'm using the lines to create surface. I have noticed in some areas there are slight gaps between the surface where their were gaps between the original lines. I can pull the vertices together, but I just thought if I had an extend command, where I could pick the two surfaces they could extend together

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I think the z value is greyed out because the vertices do not share the same value. It should still allow you to move them though. If you mean they arent flat but you want them to be at the same z value then you can select the vertices and make them planar on Z. This is under the Edit Geometry rollout.

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Thanks for your relys.


The welding the verts should work. I'll try it out and let you know. I suppose I'm looking for an easy way out. Were you can select 2 meshs and just extend them together. I thought I saw a script somewhere a while back. But I can't find it now. Maybe I was imagining it.


Thanks ACAD-Gatsu. That makes sense. I was thinking I could just select all the verts and change the Z value. I was missing a step I need to make them planer first. Thanks for solving that problem for me.

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