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Max 2012 issue?


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When mirroring objects in 2012, the objects faces become triangulated. This never happen in previous versions. Is there a way to turn that crap off?


Also moving objects with x, y & xy constraints still don't work as nice as older versions. Now I have to lock my selection when moving.


There are other bugs that I came across...Anyone else experiencing bugs?

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I think there are as many positives as negatives for the new release.

I think load it up for yourself and see what happens.


Time will tell.

I do have faith in Autodesk though .

I have used 2011 for the get go, and have found no problems with it, and I was throwing 600mb files at it at one point.

Vray would crash and did with Vray 2 more than Max to be honest.



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I think that he is refering to this thread at the area's forum:



Thanks for the link!


I think this version is very buggy...Today I've crashed a dozen times!!


I think it has something to do with older models I merged into my scene. Up til today no crashes then I merged stuff and it all goes down hill. I had to remodel the older stuff!! So far no crashes. If 3dstudio can't handle older models than why should I be upgrading every year?? :(

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So far I've had very minor and limited issues with 2012. I do have backburner crashing on initial startup and that's about it.

The main thing I had to do different this time was remove all traces of previous versions off my workstation.

I've never had to do that before with any prior release.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished rendering an animation in Max 2012. After all the problems, I had enough! No more upgrading to the latest and greatest. I was able to render 793 frames out of 800...7 frames would not render and these frames were 3/4 of the way through the animation. I tried several different computers...Tried merging objects into a new file. Consistently crashed. Nothing changed during those 7 frames except the camera moving slowly (no new objects or lighting changed)!!


Oh and I tried installing the hotfix and I get an error message. I guess I have to wait for a hotfix to fix the hotfix installation!!


Not very happy!! :(

Edited by 3ply
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