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I'm working on a project that involves a rather large car park.


I need to map the the white parking bay lines and road markings into the road object.


Does anyone have experience in doing this? Whilst through expereince I know how to utilize the unwrap tool, given there are many ways in which to acheive a desired outcome I'm interested in hearing peoples methods in implementing this into a scene?



Edited by Dan.Corris
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If its for mid / far views then I would just model the markings. Probably easier than unwrapping and would use less ram too as you would need some large maps to keep sharpness.


For close-ups, I would map them, and displace the markings.




Thanks dean.


I had thought about moddeling the lines. Would you model the lines with any kind of definintion i.e. a smooth slight gemoetry bump in the middle? OR are we a simple cube with a small amount of height?

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+1 for renderable splines.


If you've got sloping surfaces, trace the parking lines in a Top view, switch to a perspective and use the Glue plugin to place them flush with the surface of the paving. Extrude them slightly to make sure you don't have artifacts with coincident faces, disable their shadow casting and voila, parking lot lines!

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