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Fast food restaurant interior

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Studio/Institution: Consultant
Genre: Commercial Interior
Software: SketchUp, 3DMax2010, Photoshop
Website: http://www.behance.net/Michael_Secrist

I wanted to show all of you a progress on a project that I'm working on for a company that will end up using this piece as an interaction tool on there website. I created this design on my own with direction from the client on how he envisioned this piece to look and work as far as the camera angle and actions that are to take place in the space.


Modeled in SketchUp. The Furniture in the seating area were brought in from 3D wharehouse and modified for my use as well as the white machine to the right. Everything else was modeled by me in 3DMax. Photoshop was use to add more Ambient Occlusion. I would like to hear your thoughts on it. The final will have more people manning the registers and ordering food.

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Something about the lighting in the dining area bugs me a bit. All of the glass is really blasted out (as I think it should be) but the windows don't seem to be contributing much to the lighting inside the dining area.


I also think the image seems a bit blue, which has the effect of keeping the space looking clean but it doesn't quite feel right. On the other hand I don't think I'd submit a "dirty" looking rendering to my client.


I like all of the detail that you have in there. It looks really nice.

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