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What happened to VizDepot?

Matt McDonald

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Guys, as a fairly large part of the site for years now, I will go ahead and say that the site is most likely not coming back. Reasons don't need to be touched on right now, that's for Steve to come in if he wishes, but I am looking at an alternative and starting something new in the coming year or so, perhaps with Steve. Keep your eyes peeled.


Thanks for the support and I am sure Steve appreciates it as well.

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Guys, as a fairly large part of the site for years now, I will go ahead and say that the site is most likely not coming back. Reasons don't need to be touched on right now, that's for Steve to come in if he wishes, but I am looking at an alternative and starting something new in the coming year or so, perhaps with Steve. Keep your eyes peeled.


Thanks for the support and I am sure Steve appreciates it as well.


I'm happy to help develop what you are looking for on CGA. As I mentioned in the past CGA2 is about to start the next stage with the programmers. Some of the final look and feel as well as the final scope functionality have to be finalized. Over the last 3 weeks on the road I've been showing the new site and its functionality to quite a few people and the feedback has been very positive and some of the top people in the industry have already guranteed their support for the launch of the new site. Some of the feature include:


- Portfolio (Video and Images)

- Personal profiles on the main site linked to the forums

- Ability to post links, images, videos from external sites (much in the same way you post them on Facebook)

- Customizable homepage to view the latest news, articles, links, photos, posts etc.


Depending upon the request there may still be possible scope to add your request in V1, otherwise the list for V2 has already been started and would likely come 4-6 months after V1 launches in September.

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Jeff, if I could make one request it would be for the forum to adopt something similar to Reddit's "upvote" system. The CGarchitect community can thus make sure that the best content is always on top and that spammy, poor quality posts and shameless-self promotions are always "downvoted" to the bottom. Just a thought.

Edited by braddewald
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Jeff, if I could make one request it would be for the forum to adopt Reddit's "upvote system." The CGarchitect community can thus make sure that the best content is always on top and that spammy, poor quality posts and shameless-self promotions are always "downvoted" to the bottom. Just a thought.


Won't be doing this on the forums, but the main site which will allow the community to submit and contribute content will have this functionality. Not Reddit's system exactly, but a similar system to show the best content at the top.

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