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Blueprints ??


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Hey everyone, I am new to this place :). I was wondering where I could get blueprints, cad drawings, ar whatever for buildings. Things like elevations and floor plans would be a great help. I used to work at thie place http://www.cadrender.com , however the boss would not let us keep any of our work because he said " The architects wouldn't want their drawing plans getting out before the buildings are complete." I can understand that, but once the building is done, shouldn't I be able to keep what I worked on in 3DS max ?? Well anyway, hence my question for free blueprints, I would like to start putting a portfolio together of some of my stuff... Any help is welcome. :D

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Oh, come on, do a LITTLE reading or searching before posting a question. Someone else asked the same question yesterday (or the day before).




So I would direct you to that thread for my response.


You could also ask architects you know to give you a set of drawings for a project in exchange for a copy of the result (and the right to use it, limited).


Where in Westchester are you?

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I've come to find it is near impossible to get blueprints online. People either charge $500+ for them and the contests that someone said to try, aren't really prevelent on the internet.


BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to this. Blueprints of finished buldings should be readily available.



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Ryan - if you want a good source of blueprints, check out architectural trade magazines like architectural record - often they have simplified floorplans & sections of projects featured in articles. Granted they are small, but you can probably glean enough info from them and the photos to create some pieces.


But you might need to pick up the magazines and scan the images, since they probably are not available online.

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:mad: Sonovabitch.


I was able to locate blueprints to the Monona Terrace in Madison, WI (designed by Frank Lloyd Wrong) but all I have is top views blueprints.


I cannot believe there was no side view. So side view came with it, and that is asinine. I'm so pissed off I could punch this screen right now. It'd hurt, but I'm so irritated it would not matter. A 3d model of this building could look amazing, but the blueprints are incomplete.



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Just becuase you do work for a company doesnt mean its yours. Thats still property of the company, not you! The whole freaking reason why companies dont just hand out blueprints to everyone on the street is a simple one. They spend years and thousands of dollars to create a structure, would they really want to give all that info out for free once its done? So some other rival company could get them and make a simple modification to them and create something even better for 1/4 the cost? Come on man, use your brain!


Your best bet is to go back to the company you worked for and get limited rights to the stuff you worked on. That way you can use it legally.


Here's an example of the most goofy law known to man:


The University I went to "technicaly" owns all of my work that I did in my classes. Since it was done for the University, using University computers they are the ower of the works, not me. Though they do not care that I use it for my demo reel or to find a job, but if I were to sell those works for money then if they were to ever find out then I could be in serious violation of the law. Even if I did all the work on my own system, its still property of the University becuase it was done for them. This is one of those really crazy grey areas of the copyright law as to who really owns the work you do. You or the company you do it for?

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We are looking to hire again, growing and still staying busy. If you know of anybody in the Philadelphia area please have them call or e-mail me. We are looking for experienced architectural modelers (2) and are willing to pay top $ for them. AB

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I was able to locate blueprints to the Monona Terrace in Madison, WI (designed by Frank Lloyd Wrong) but all I have is top views blueprints.



Ryan, where is The link To This

what does This bldg look like??


i have reversed engineered bldgs for 3d purposes from fotos b4





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