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Ebook is needed -3ds Max 2009 Architectural Visualization Intermediate to Advanced


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There is no legal ebook available for this book and there are no plans to provide ebooks at this time due to the extreme amount of pirating that occurs with digital versions. 3DATS experimented with a low res ebook with a small test group and it was pirated everywhere.

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How about a physical book Jeff? I've been wanting one for weeks now but they aren't available on the website. I emailed about the issue and received no response. I found the first book quite helpful but it's to the point where the money I've got saved up for training is probably going to have to go elsewhere. I can't even get it from Amazon because there's only 1 for sale and he's trying to get $300+ dollars for it.


Any word on when this book will be available?



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Hi Brodie,

Sorry about not replying earlier. Although we have many contracted employees, 3DATS is mostly a family business and the emails are all handled by family members. The past 7 days have been really tough as my daughter nearly died last week and just returned yesterday from a 5 day stay in a hospital. Emails have basically shut down this week as a result. She's fine now and we're getting back to normal finally.


If you would like a copy of the Int/Adv book, we have about 6 extras stored away in our shipping facility. We could sell one if you like. If you are interested, please send a payment of $79.95 to PayPal address books@3dats.com. This is the price we were charging until we sold out a few months ago. We'll waive shipping. Once you make a payment, please email larry.smith@3dats.com and let him know that you've made a payment. It's not the normal way we do things, but since we don't sell that book anymore, it will have to do. Thanks.

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