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Ink'n'Paint with radiosity


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Maybe this question has been both asked and answered already, but I could not find any threads pertaining to it.


I've been tasked with creating a virtual map of a school campus and my employer originally was going to purchase a copy of Pencilsoft's Pencil+ shader for Max. (I had shown them several different render styles and they really liked the cell-shaded / hand drawn look). Well once my employer discovered all the hoops you had to jump through to purchase a pencil+ license they decided it was out of the question.


My solution was to simply use ink'n'paint materials combined with radiosity. (giving a smooth NPR look to the whole campus) I was especially enamored by the z-distance ink map. However, radiosity for whatever reason refuses to render the outlines of the objects that have the ink'n'paint material applied.


Is there a work around for this?

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