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3D World Magazine - Architectural Visualization

Jeff Mottle

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Just wanted to let everyone know about Issue 59 of 3D world magazine that has just gone on sale in the UK and should reach North America in 2-3 weeks.


As some of you may have already seen in a previous thread on our forums, I did an opinion piece covering the growing architectural CG industry, but there is also a four-page tips article by Alex Morris from Hayes Davidison aimed at students hoping to work in the industry. It mainly covers the compositional and artistic skills involved in creating architectural illustrations. And as a special bonus they are also giving away a full copy of Art*lantis 4.0 on the cover CD.

Be sure to get a copy from you local newsstands.


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I have to agree, too. However, it is tremendous to see that they're acknowledging the use of 3D for something useful (as opposed to the Hollywood, TV and gaming that normally fills their pages). I come from an engineering background, and 3D can offer genuinely "computer aided design". Of course, engineering widely thought to be boring, oily and populated by 'anoraks' with too many pens in their shirt pocket ;)


I shouldn't gripe. I always look forward to 3DW dropping onto the doormat. If we keep sending them material (for their exhibition pages too) then maybe they'll give us more exposure.




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Doubt it Jaguar Lover! I too stopped buying it regularly due to the lack of relavance to what I was doing. Fair enough this issue has a write up from Jeff and some tips for architectural illustration but the bulk of it is still taken up by the likes of I Robot and Spider-man 2. I don't know about anyone else but these articles on CG films are wearing very thin with me.

I'd recomend you go to your newsagents and have a flick through before spending any cash.

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