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Need some quick advice

Devin Johnston

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I've been working on some renderings for a client since late December, I have a contract but the excessive modeling changes have forced me to go back to them for additional money which they've agreed to. The project was finished and delivered yesterday but now they are saying that the client wasn't happy with material colors and that they'd like me to make the changes for free. I'm against doing free work but this is only the second set of images I've done for this client and I want to get additional work from them in the future. I can only see a few options, one is to do the work for free and asked them to remember this in the future when other work comes up, or I can demand they pay me more. As I don't think the second option will go over very well I'm inclined to go with option #1 but I'd like some assurance from them that they will hold up their end of the deal. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can graciously do the free work while hooking them for future work?

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Why were they not happy with the colors? If they are just not happy, then they should pay. If they are simply not happy, then it will turn into a design by render and each time you will do it for free. I can bet they won't be happy with the 2nd set of colors, 3rd set, and so on. When would you charge them? 8th, 9th rounds of color changes? What does your contract state about post deliverable changes?


If it is on your end, such as you didn't get the colors right, then you should do it for free as that is your miss.


They won't remember this for future work if you do it graciously for free. All they'll remember is that you'll do changes for free and they will think that they can change their mind on a whim at zero cost to them.


This was posted in another thread and on other forms. Watch it.


F*ck You, Pay Me

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Ha...I did see that already and believe me with this project I'd like to say that!


The person I'm dealing with has a boss who doesn't like the colors we ended up using. I don't know at what point this person saw the images but I believe it was at the end after I already rendered the full sized images out. Now my contact is saying that even though I was directed to use certain colors they may want to change them at a later date and they asked if I'd give them my working model. I told them I couldn't for several reasons and offered to make the changes based on an hourly rate that we could later agree upon if it became necessary. Then they asked if I'd do it for free because they didn't have enough time to get the proper feedback before their meeting. All of which I normally would say tough sh%t too but now I'm not sure.


Actually this whole project was supposed to take 2.5 weeks from beginning to end but has taken closer to 4. Little did I know at the time that a committee was going to be evaluating the design half way through the process and as a result the initial design was rejected. The project changed from modeling from sketches to a design development project and as a result the project's length of time was extended by 2 more weeks. Initially I was ok with it but it became clear that they were taking advantage of the situation and that's when I asked for more money to cover my costs. Since that time it's been a struggle to nail down all the building details and to get them to commit to colors. My fears are the same as yours because I think it will turn into an exercise of endlessly changing colors and I'm sure geometry when they see something they want to change.


I know what my answer should be but in this economy every client counts.

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I'd do the change, and chalk it up to customer service. For the next job you'll know how to manage this cleint better.




Agreed. And if its just the colors theyre not happy with then do a selction pass and tweak in post. Only take 20 mins, maybe even do it with the client present.

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I agree with Justin. It comes down to managing the client expectations and having a good contract in this case. If you want to work with them in the future, just do it if it's just material color adjustments, move on and add additional clauses to your contract in the future to cover specific milestones and alterations. If this was your day-day job as a freelancer, you would have more at stake but as a side job, it's not worth the trouble to dig your heels in at this point.

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It just depends. How many rounds of color changes are you willing to put up with? These clients sound like noodellers. Given the description it just doesn't sound like it will be only one round. Then, if you get repeat business you'll get the classic line of, "Well, you did those changes for free last time. Why are you charging us now?"


I'd do one round of colors for free, but let the client be fully aware that if it becomes a design by render process, then additional charges will be applied. You'd be amazed at how clients can make up their minds when money is on the line.

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