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solid editing


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Are you talking about picking one corner of a solid cube and stretching that one point? or are you talking about stretching an entire face? The entire face can be done via the tool pallet already shown. I do not know of a way to just stretch a single "corner" of a solid cube.



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Actually. it is the opposite. Surface modeling will not allow you to move verticies. Believe it or not, 3d modeling in cad is done by surfaces. This is why. When you have a solid and you explode it, you get seperate faces. FormZ on the otherhand is true solids modeling because you can stretch and move vertices, endpoints, segments, etc. Both surface modeling and solids modeling use the boolean opperands.



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Actually. it is the opposite. Surface modeling will not allow you to move verticies. Believe it or not, 3d modeling in cad is done by surfaces. This is why. When you have a solid and you explode it, you get seperate faces. FormZ on the otherhand is true solids modeling because you can stretch and move vertices, endpoints, segments, etc. Both surface modeling and solids modeling use the boolean opperands.



I've been modeling in AutoCAD for 6 years now and I haven't been able to stretch solids, only surfaces. Have no idea with FormZ coz I never used it. If you can show or tell me how to do it the way tdarcy described it above in Autocad then I'll be more than delighted to know.



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I've been modeling in AutoCAD for 6 years now and I haven't been able to stretch solids, only surfaces. Have no idea with FormZ coz I never used it. If you can show or tell me how to do it the way tdarcy described it above in Autocad then I'll be more than delighted to know.




solids can also be stretch using "move faces" under solids editing but its limited and only faces not vertices... surfaces in the other is stretchable but i have a hard time controlling it...

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I agree with Jayson, Move faces is a cool tool. I too have been using autocad for 3d over the last 6 years and have only discovered the move faces tool. it save you a heap of time instead for slicing/extruding faces.



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Hi Eric. I think my comment was misunderstood. All I was saying is that even though you are creating a "solid" in autocad. It is not a true solid. Therefore you cannot stretch the faces as you can in FormZ, which alows you to truely model with solids. Of course everyone knows the stretch face command in cad. Until Autodesk uses real solids modeling, we are stuck with faces.



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"All I was saying is that even though you are creating a "solid" in autocad. It is not a true solid.


How do you define 'true solid' then? Something stretchable by its vertices?


"Of course everyone knows the stretch face command in cad."


There is no stretch face command in cad, only move face or extrude.

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