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texturing a roof...


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alright, here's my problem:


i have a roof that's an editable mesh. i can't get the textures to come out right at all. i'll select a face, apply the map, then add a UVW mod. everything is fine here, i rotate and scale it correctly. i move on to the next face, do the same, but it undoes my previous texturing. now half of the time i cant edit the second face at all.


what's the best way to texture a complex roof? i did a search but didnt find what i needed.





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thanks for the help, but i'm still not getting something right.


i select a face under the edit mesh, then apply a mesh select. then i apply a UVW mod. i rotate and scale. this works for the first face, but once i move to the second everything is undone.


i attached a screencap, it seems to me that there should be more heirarchy to all the modifiers....


thanks again,



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