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cant get hdri environment horizon straight


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i have applied an hdri as my environment. and in environment and efffects dialog box instanced the same map as environment.

I have also instanced the same map in vray environment.

my problem is that the horizon of my environment background hdri isnt straight in the perspective view.

i can make it straight by orbiting the perspective view and rotating all my objects.

but can i rotate the hdri without messing with the perspective view? pls help thanks in advance

perspective 2.jpg

screenshot 1.jpg

Edited by redrobinrobinhood
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use the safe frames under the p.view label LT or RT click you will get a drop down menu now choose safe frames do this before you add you're sky environment pan the viewport down and then rotate it until it straight. i usually use the arc rotate do rotate it around

Edited by datacrasher
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  datacrasher said:
use the safe frames under the p.view label LT or RT click you will get a drop down menu now choose safe frames do this before you add you're sky environment pan the viewport down and then rotate it until it straight. i usually use the arc rotate do rotate it around
sir,i have added the screenshot of my material browser settings . i can rotate the vrayhdri using horizontal and vertical rotation but it tilts my horizon as well. i am not able to rotate my vrayhdri using u 0r v offset.
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  datacrasher said:
i am talking about the rotate button this will rotate you're photo in the material editor

my apologies , but can u pls elaborate how can i rotate the hdri in material editor , i tried to use the rotate button under the coordinate rollout it opened a small pop up window but still cant rotate.

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On the Coordinates rollout, set the Angle U, V, and W spinners.

Positive angles rotate the map in the clockwise direction; negative angles rotate it counterclockwise.


The angle can be up to 360 degrees, which rotates the map completely and has no visible effect unless you are animating the map's rotation.


You can also click Rotate to use the Rotate Mapping Coordinates dialog, which lets you change the rotation by dragging the mouse.

Edited by datacrasher
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I can't believe this has gone to two pages over something so simple. Your HDRI is squint because you have the vertical rotation set to 34°. Put it back to zero. If you want to rotate the HDRI around the z-axis, use the horizontal rotation value, not the mapping coordinates. Changing the vertical rotation will tilt the horizon up and down.

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Ah, I think I know what you're trying to do now. You are correct, using the vertical rotation will only tilt it to one side, so if you spin the camera round, it will be high at one side and low at the other. If you want to lower the horizon line all around I would suggest doing it in Photoshop, if that's available to you. Open the HDRI then stretch the image down so that the horizon line is below the mid point of the image.


Most of the time the horizon will be hidden by buildings or trees in your scene though, or some people use an image of trees or hills mapped to a cylinder in addition to the sky texture to blend the sky with the land.

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