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Displacement only on selected objects


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My render times on a 4500 pixels image goes from 1,5 hour up to 160 hours with turning on the vraydispl. modifier.

That can not be real.?? Some advice. the area of the image I need displacement on is about 2% of the image area.


Is it better to model the pavement as 3d mesh and turn off the displacement..?

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VRay displacement by default only works on geometry deemed to be large enough (the edge length, measured in pixels setting) to see. So even if you had it on your entire model, it would only actually displace the bits that are visible/close enough to warrant calculating.


I never, ever use the max estimated time to gauge how long renders will take until it actually gets past the pre-calcs and on to the actual render, and even then I take it with a pinch of salt. Try letting it run past the light cache/displacement pre-calcs and see how long it actually takes.

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Displacement should be able to handle that with ease. What I find often speeds up displacement is subdividing the geometry (quadify mesh works well) into squares of about 500 to 1000mm. Displacement mod can only subdivide a max number of times per poly (the max subdivs setting) - if it has more polys to work with to begin with I find it is generally a lot less taxing at render time.

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