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hi fellows,


i would like to hear comments about Bentley Microstation as

a choice of all-in one architect's tool: for sketching and developing

ideas, drafting final documentation, and doing computer renderings.


a one program for all tasks is a plus, i think, and there are collegues

that swear by this product, and examples of work that's impressive

(visualizations). also it allows to freelly produce architecture thats

not 'ordinary' in shape, not just walls/doors/windows.

because of integrated solid,surface, NURBS modeling capabilities

Archicad-like functionality also available in MS Triforma..


but all that is known but not tested by myself, so

i welcome your criticism and also positive feedback, especially

from those of you that use the product daily.


nidas / lithuania

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I am not a huge fan of Microstation.


I use Autocad and 3D Studio Max. A former co-worker of mine used Microstation all the time, and when we worked on a 3D project together, it was a nightmare to transfer the .dgn files and convert them into something workable for 3D Studio Max.


After that experience, I will not work with Microstation in my 3D work. It was just too difficult and time consuming.


I'm sure it's a great tool, if you know how to use it, but when it came to importing and exporting for my methodology, it wasn't working for our benefit.


Keep in mind that this was about 2 years ago. I do not know if anything has changed since then.

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i love microstation for drafting. i consider it to be superior to autocad, although i wish it would take on some of autocad's que's for communitcation and organization. but as for the interface, and the intuitive level of the interface, i like it better. i also think, in skilled hands, you can draft faster in microstation than autocad.


that being said, i have little experience using microstation for 3d. so i won't really comment on it. the extent of my 3d modelling in microstation is creating a 3d plumbing diagram.

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We use microstation as our main drafting package.

I have played around with it and rendered somethings, but I have to say the texturing and application of textures is a nightmare, it should be simplified a lot more, the over all outcome is quite good, but it has a seriuos learning curve.

I am coming from a form z background, and it is pretty simple , but it won't handle any referencing , and has gone downhill when it comes handeling 2d drawings to model over.


The most power thing is definitly the huge anount that MS can handel, but I have still to see something as good a Max come out yet.


I have also had problems taking models from it to other packages, and had to remodel days of work done by other people .


But saying that is has one of the best forums and some of the best people working for them updating constantly, and always give advise straight away, even barry bentley gives first hand advise.

so it is a serious company and always updating and asking the users for their input.


so there you go.....

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thanks for replies,


do you refer to 'Form Z', not MS as not being able to handle 2d to model

over, right? ..






I am coming from a form z background, and it is pretty simple , but it won't handle any referencing , and has gone downhill when it comes handeling 2d drawings to model over.


The most power thing is definitly the huge anount that MS can handel, but I have still to see something as good a Max come out yet.


so there you go.....

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Yes sorry formz is terrible at handeling 2d drawing. I find anything over 1.5 mb of a 2d it starts to crash and I have to take in large drawings at lot for very large models.

I have asked for xrefs so many times from formz, it wouldbe such a powerfull modeler if they got that right .

Microstation is a powerhouse when it comes referencing.



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Yes sorry formz is terrible at handeling 2d drawing. I find anything over 1.5 mb of a 2d it starts to crash and I have to take in large drawings at lot for very large models.

I have asked for xrefs so many times from formz, it wouldbe such a powerfull modeler if they got that right .

Microstation is a powerhouse when it comes referencing.



i can typically import cad files without it crashing, although it does slow down. if you are bringing cad files into formz to use as underlays, turn off the use undos feature, and it will speed things up greatly.


i have mine shortcut keyed so i can do it quickly.


delete all of theinfo that you don't need from the cad file, the aline the file where you want it, and finally, don't forget to turn back on undo's when you are done.


the only down side, you can not undo the manipulation or deletion that you just did. but the increase in speed is worth it.


..and i couldn't agree with you more when it comes to requesting reference files for formz. i requested before also, and they said mayb int he future soemtime or somethign like that. i think they told me to use symbols, which is something i did not want to do. i don't think they understand how much better this would make their program.


*edit : quote now included

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