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Shiney material

Krisztian Gulyas

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That material is still jacked though. You shouldn't have to make the sun invisible to get a brushed metal to work.


What is the material setting you are using? It looks like a bump map set really high and then a chrome like material. This would not be correct. Are you using fresnel? highlight glossiness? a diffuse or reflection map? A good brushed metal will likely be fairly subtle and not very reflective.


Also, are you clamping your results in your color mapping?


I know you have your desired results, but if you can, screen capture your material settings, I think you might find an alternative method better than hiding your sun.

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There is no exact answer but a couple of things that i would change are:


Turn on fresnel. As the chaos group says in their short, "everything has fresnel." And brushed metal, a material that has a blurry kind of reflection, especially has fresnel. 1.6 will likely do just fine.


A cellular map is not likely your best choice. If you want to use a procedural map, try a noise on turbulence and tile it in one direction only. Use 1 in the U and 50 in the V. Or vice versa. You could also just use the anisotropy to emulate the blur.


Lastly, try using the reflection value you have but add a highlight glossiness. Unlock it and try a 0.7.


Using maps for each category is usually good for a nice subtle material, but you may want to start simple and jazz it up from there.


Good luck and turn your sun back to visible.

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