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glass and lighting


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Hi all


This is a chalet style bungalow that I have been working on. I was really trying to make an effort with realistic looking windows and lighting. I have used light tracer/skylight here with a couple of direct lights for filling and tree illumination/shadows.



I have attached another image with just lighttracer and skylight. Whilest the lighting looks good it looks somewhat "dull", like it needs a kick of life into it, which is why I came up with the second image but which seems to lose a bit of the subtlety of shadows.


Wonder whether you could give me your thoughts.


Many thanks

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The image is getting there,

but you need stop the bldg from hovering over the grass. The brick looks a lil strange, perhaps you have to increase the size of the mapping. The real problem with the the lighting in this image is not the light. Its your brick material. I think you should change/modify it. Try a different colour, one that is more lively and there seems to be a problem with the bumpmap as you look on the side of the bldg.

Also the lighting does match the sky its too dark and the sky is too bright. Well, i'm not sure which one you want to achieve.

I also think that the shot could be a little more focused. Add some landscaping and vary the grass. Perhaps some people if you prefer that or not. But you need to add some life to the shot. Maybe even the old tree branches over head to the right of the image.

.......i know, you asked about glass and lighting didnt you, and i am telling you about life



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For the most part this looks really good. The only major issue that i have with it, is that the texturing on the side, it looks as if it has changed direction and is going up and down, either that or it has become very stretched.

The other things are just small issues like the sky itsekf looks to be going down..


Other then those things i would say it is a pretty good composition, and with a few minor tweaks could be well done.

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