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Which Dual Xeon board?

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Acording to Intel the Xeon fan when attached on top need to blow down towards the CPU. Here is a quote:

"To mount the fan on top, no extra connector is required. Simply push the fan onto the bracket and it will snap into place. The fan airflow must be pointing downward for proper cooling. Mount the fan so that the sticker is pointing downward."

The much longer manual could be found here http://www.intel.com/support/processors/xeon/sb/cs-007757.htm and the part where I quoted is right below figure 10.

The other advises 3dec mentioned about side fans are very true, only that it doesnt need to be a strong fan - Anything that moves some air will be a great help - a slow and quite 80mm fan would be great.

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My cpu fans are blowing outward, i followed the installation instructions. I have confirmed this with the supplier because the fans are not blowing in like on P4 cpus. I dont know y intel does this for xeon, but decided to stick with their instruction.


CPU temp after intense rendering is at 49 and 46. so far so good. :)


An advise from another xeon user is get a strong fan and install it on rear fan area to suck hot air out of your cpu and another fan on front to suck cool air in. :)


so its blowing out afterall!!!I inverted mine and im sticking with it since my system is much much more cooler. anyways, dont invert them if you feel its not safe. Im installing stronger fans to cool it more.My problem is i dont work in an airconditioned room..that's why my idle temp is around 43 and render temp around 56.so i rely on my very powerful industrial fan blowing off heat from my case opened system..hehehehe...fans inverted.before it went up to 67 fans blowing out.

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Acording to Intel the Xeon fan when attached on top need to blow down towards the CPU. Here is a quote:

"To mount the fan on top, no extra connector is required. Simply push the fan onto the bracket and it will snap into place. The fan airflow must be pointing downward for proper cooling. Mount the fan so that the sticker is pointing downward."

The much longer manual could be found here http://www.intel.com/support/processors/xeon/sb/cs-007757.htm and the part where I quoted is right below figure 10.

The other advises 3dec mentioned about side fans are very true, only that it doesnt need to be a strong fan - Anything that moves some air will be a great help - a slow and quite 80mm fan would be great.



thanks for the info....my fans are blowing in towards the cpu's.




I have read the link posted by bigcahunak.fans should be blowing in towards the cpu's.the labels should be towards the heatsinks.

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So I decided to take you up on your advice after posting this thread yesterday.




I figured to avoid the whole confusion and possible meltdown and go for the SILENT, more efficient coolers. I was dissapointed that Orbit Micro was the only company I found that I could order those parts at. Their shipping costs suck and when I finally put my order with CC# in, it didn't work for some reason - even trying with a different card. So now I have to call them and see whats up.


So now its going to be even longer till I get my computer together *sigh*, but I'd rather have it done right the first time. Plus my existing computer is noisy enough in this echo chamber I probably couldn't deal with much more noise. The silent coolers are going to be soooo RAD.

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OK folks, here it is! I got the coolers in saturday and have everything put together later that day. Not too many problems with the system - some, but not too bad for my first time.


The case didn't really do as good a job as I wanted for cooling. Left alone, the heatsinks got very hot, very quickly. I think they were at about 50-54 degrees idle. I couldn't even touch them they were so hot. Not enough air circulation apparently. So what do I do? Well today I went to my local store & bought 2 cooler master fans, plugged them into the cpu fan inputs, and strapped them around the coolers using some combined velcro strapping. Can you say "GHETTO"? Well it might look a little funny, but you really can't see much other than the neon color of the fans in there.


But it sure did do the trick! Now the idle temp is anywhere from 36-41 degrees, and the hottest I was able to get them was 54 degrees. Hopefully that will stay true when rendering for hours.


So you might say that putting fans on a fan-less cooler defeats the purpose replacing the stock coolers in the first place. Well yea, it was an expensive upgrade, but this computer is vitually silent, even with the 2 new fans. I don't think I would have been as lucky with the stock fans. My old computer system is easily twice as loud to where I can't even hear the new system at all. Plus I know that this method will keep the cpu's cooler anyways. So to me it is worth the investment.


Haven't configured my network yet, or started rendering on the new one since I'm slowly doing all this stuff for the first time. But soon...

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  • 8 months later...

Sorry to post on such an old thread.


I've just built a system very similar to Tims, all up and running, but i'm concerned about cpu temperatures.


My problem is how to read the temperature of the cpus.... I can get idle temperatures from the bios, but what i'm interested in is temps under load. Tryed Asus PC probe.... but no temp reading comes up, tryed Everest with the same results.


Anyone have any ideas about this


Any help is much appreciated!

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The CD that came with the motherboard should have a simple utility to monitor the temperatures and other stuff. I used it on my old P4 2.6 back when I was trying to figure out why the computer was constantly crashing when rendering. After alot of headaches and I found out it was due to overheating memory. Replaced 1 gig of RAM and things are fine now.


I would like to see what my dual processors are running at - or maybe I don't want to know. :(


BTW I had all the fan bays filled up when I ordered this dual prcessor system and it is VERY noisy. You can here it in another room. This thread looks interesting. I need to go back and read through it.

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hi There


i am running a dual 2.8 machine at work

with ThermalTake aluminum chassis system


i can NOT HEAR THIS during The day

i even forget i am running a computer


(in more ways Than one)

even when all 4 virtual cpus are at 100% This is still quiet




air-cooled, water-cooled or fan-less options available














i am looking for The case That i have at work

which looks like a retro-fifties Juke box with red and checkers


i found it








i am now looking at cooling options for my "new" system

someone i know is going to build me a dual dual-core 64 bit system


so cooling is going to be an issues

especially here in The desert where the outside Temperatures


are going to be 116 F next week

which is 45 C or + (its a dry heat)



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  • 3 weeks later...



No software on the cds as far as i know, i had a look when i was installing everything but will double check to be sure. Remember my old asus board had asus probe on the software disk.




Tryed MBM 5, though had the same problem in that everything other than CPU temps seemed to show up?!?




My machine is very quiet, my old athlon single processor is much more noisy. I have the same coolermaster fanless heatsinks as Tim and have also attached coolermaster fans to these as a precaution.

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