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Floor Generator/Multi-Texture and VRAY DR

Smile of Fury

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I have a floor created with Floor Generator script and textured with the Multi-Texture plugin. When using VRAY DR the nodes do not render the floor correctly.


The texture bitmaps I'm using are accessible to the nodes and the rest of the scene renders just fine. I have also installed the script and plugin on the nodes. Still no luck.


Anyone have experience with this? Anything I am overlooking? I have not yet tried BB.



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Hmm, good question. I don't know either. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like. You can clearly see the areas that have been rendered by the nodes vice the workstation. In this screen capture parts of the wall and bookcase were rendered by the nodes. All fine.


I looked at different render elements...Diffuse filter and global illumination were all black on the node buckets. Raw Reflection looked fine, and it appears that's what's showing up in the final render. Two extra_tex passes were fine (dirt map and edge tex) and things like wire color and render id were also fine. This leads me to believe it's a problem with the Multi-Texture not assigning the bitmaps in a way the nodes can understand. The reflection was just a greyscale color and not a multi-texture map.



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I made a quick scene and have done a few tests. Pictures attached.


The tests were done in the same file, same geometry. The bitmaps were in the same directory, both accessible to the nodes. I created the first material and did a render, then copied the material to a new slot, changed the bitmaps and applied it to the floor.


Material A shows clear spots where the node rendered the final bucket and the sample rate render element has blank buckets at those spots. Material B is better, but still not perfect.


They are not attached, but the diffuse filter element pass looks pretty close to the final rgb. No blank buckets like above.

I also tried saving a IR MAP and LC MAP created by the workstation only and then rendering the final image with the nodes. Same results as pictured.


Do you think this is all just more issues related to Floor Generator not being compatible with VRAY DR, or is something else going on?






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I had this problem a few weeks back, even though i thought i had installed multi texture on the nodes. Turns out i had put it in the wrong folder, i know it sounds silly but double check which folder you installed it to. I think it has to be installed to the root max folder, not the plugins folder... I think.


Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

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Thanks Chris,


I moved the plugin to the root folder and it immediately got worse. Returned the diffuse color only, so I put it back into the plugins folder and it seems, slightly better, maybe? Seems to randomly get better and worse with each new render and/or bitmap group.


The original floor from the first post is still completely wrong though.

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