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Problem with TTF not displaying properly


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Hi All,


We have just recently updated our templates to use a new TTF font. We are a multi national office, and are running various machines in both Australia and China. We are all using windows 7. Autocad are all full versions but vary between 2010 and 2012.


We are trying to convert survey drawings from a standard font to the ttf, but for some reason, in the Chinese office only the decimal points disappear after the conversion. The same drawing when sent to the Australian office works fine and the decimal points are there. I just have no idea what to try here, as I am in Australia and can't even reproduce the issue the chinese office is having. Can anyone suggest what this might be? Happy to provide a sample drawing if needed.



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  • 3 weeks later...

How are you doing the conversion. I'm suspecting an intermediary that doesn't parse one kind or the other as decimal numbers.


Wait, after the conversion a "broken" drawing set to AUS does not show as broken?


Are the numbers in question just characters in text? "MAKE THIS DOOR 1,200mm WIDE" or are they things that would be being stored or calculated on the fly as numbers?


Though missing glyphs tend to show up as the big rectangle not just vanish.


I guess an easy test would be to have somebody on an offending machine switch their Windows decimal separator to something different.


Another test would be to have them use the new font in Excel or something that will format with decimal separator a by itself.


Both these tests are trying to test "is this machine's decimal separator invisible in this font".

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