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Aligning Pivot - setting up hinge on detached objects


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Please know that I am searching before posting - but I'm afraid my lack of correct terms and keywords is letting me down. And this one is a tough one!


I've attached a pic of a hatch I've modeled by detaching polys - now how do I do the following:


1- reset the pivot to follow the orientation of the hatch - it appears to still be in world space or the parent sphere. I tried setting to local but no change. I've tried unlinking and centering to the object and there it is - but it's not oriented the same as the hatch. I could try to manually rotate and fudge it into what I "think" is correct but I'm hoping there is a way to ask MAX to do it perfectly. :smileyhappy:


2- set up a hinge effect - where by when rotated it acts as if hinged to the side and swings open/close in a natural way - like a door or hatch would.hinge.jpg

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As above.


But also, before you align your pivot to your box, adjust the boxes pivot so that it is at the minimum or maximum of the box's x limit. Then align your hatch's pivot to that and it should be in exactly the right place. If you draw your box accurately of course!

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