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WIP : Realistic Exterior the journey to.

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Studio/Institution: My self
Genre: Residential Exterior
Software: Itoo software, vray, 3Ds max, photoshop.
Website: http://www.bdigital3Dworks.com

Something i'm working on while looking for potential clients. I'm looking for a way to bring out realistic renders, bit artistic and not to render heavy.


This is rendered on pretty much the lowest settings it took about 30-45 minutes to render on 1920x 1080 pixels.


I would love to get some feedback ( if possible ). I'm having a really hard time with the exterior glass, or maybe i'm just trying to achieve something that isn't physicly possible;


I wan't sharper reflections, but not losing the refraction. ( you know make it "pop" hehe ).


The idea for the house came from this render

http://www.cgarchitect.com/2012/07/modern-house14 from Jason Smith, and tried to give it my own feeling. Sort of Japanese modern art style. Still needs loads of vegetation coming from the concrete panels in the back.


Feedback much appreciated!.




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  • 3 months later...

I'd say the lighting is too flat. Can't really tell where the light source is. It looks kind of overcast (but not really). You need to differentiate between Sunlight and shadow more obviously.


Nice architecture. I don't think you need such an 'artistic' shot of the grass / gravel though. Bit too much!

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Everything is too whitish - building - sky -drive -even -grass is de-saturated towards white.


Building is playing peek-a-boo.............seems amateurish. Everything in the rendering should be working to show off the architecture to best advantage.


I agree about the car in the second image - it's just too dead center. I think a little more detail would help - that black grid looks like black lines that were just painted on. There would probably be some recessed lights in the ceiling.


That wood color is kinda weak. With all the rich colors and textures available that choice is rather unappealing.

Edited by heni30
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