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'File Link Question' issue.


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Hi, can anyone help with a problem that's been bugging me for years. I'm importing some very uncomplicated plans and elevs from an external architect into Max and am getting a warning window explaining 'The centre of the incoming model is located at..', then it basically explains that the imported tech will be miles away, (check the .jpeg included). This is making my job very time consuming as the geometry drawn in elevations is also being located miles form the plan and I have to scroll out miles to get it then scroll back in again. I've tried grouping the imported plans and giving them an X, Y and Z value of 0 in the section along the bottom of the screen, but they simply dont arrive in the same location as geometry drawn in the Top view port. Is there a way of doing this. Also is there something I could ask the Architects to do first before they send over the tech. Thanks.

File Link issue.jpg

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I'd bet to that. Zoom extents in AutoCAD will give you a perfect view of all objects and their positions. Careful though, because an Arc Dimension of a very large radius curve produces the same effect; so, if this is the case, delete the dimension. Far objects might be hidden as well, so cleaning your drawing correctly is crucial before importing / linking to Max.

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Open the file in AutoCAD. Remove all the text, hatching, dimensions. Make sure there are no stray object off in space and purge the file a couple of time. Move the file to the origin 0,0. I usually make a copy and move the copy.

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