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How do you describe what you do for a living?


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How do you describe what you do for a living?


When I meet Architects I say I create 3D Computer Renderings. 99.9% of them understand what I do. However the general public (family, neighbor, etc.) rarely understand and I get blank stares. I’ve tried modifying my approach to see if I get better recognition… I’ve said I do: Architectural Illustrations, 3D Illustrations, 3D Renderings, and called myself a 3D Digital Artist. I still get deer in the headlight responses. At which time I have to use my ‘elevator pitch’ to describe what I do.


Do you have any good titles, or short descriptions that folks instantly understand what you do for a living?

Also, do you think our industry is old enough for folks to really know what we do without an explanation?

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When dealing with the lowest common denominator I just say "I create a pretty picture of what a building is going to look like when it's built." But instead of drawing it I use a computer to make a 3d model.


Then I explain it's used to:


Help in the design process.

Show the owner what their building is going to look like.

Get the bank to cough up some $$ for the building.

Market the building to prospective tenants.

Show the design board/public what it's going to look like.


And if they still don't get it I excuse myself saying I have to go get another drink.

Edited by heni30
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It came up again this weekend, and I tried your words. Seemed to go well. ... but after 5 minutes of them telling me about an Architect they use to know in their neighborhood (didn't know their name or the company name) I excused myself to refreshed my bourbon and coke. Your advised me well... twice!


I'm still on my quest for a title that everyone understands.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Person: So what do you do?


You: Well... I'm a 3D Artist. Basically, I draw buildings on the computer then edit them to look like an actual photograph.


Person: oh sweet... I'm building my house at the moment, can you do mine?


You: Sure!, here is my contact info.


Person: So what type of camera do you use?


You: .....


You: ........



Story of my life.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think making my job discription a bit more general often works better.


Something like: "I make illustrations in 3D"


People generally know what illustrations are and what 3D is. :-) And it's not like I am telling a lie. :-)


They can always ask for who I make those illustrations if they want to know more.


Maybe it is better to not start a monologue about what you do, because you'll lose them after two senteces anyway. It puts yourself in a weak position where you want to convince them that you are doing something cool. Plus: people like things/ explanations that are not too complicated so they can easily put you in a category.

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I've never had this problem, seems most people of all age categories around me know what architectural visualization/illustration entails.


But on other hand, I've had to 'defend' myself quite few times from follow-up "But why did you not become real architect?". I just smile, answer how it's non-stressful and pays well and leave it at that.

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But on other hand, I've had to 'defend' myself quite few times from follow-up "But why did you not become real architect?". I just smile, answer how it's non-stressful and pays well and leave it at that.


I just smile and say "I get artistic satisfaction of from creating images. The only down side is that it's so stressful and doesn't pay very well."

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