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Bezier handles do nothing.

Chris MacDonald

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Hey chaps, I'm working with some splines (imported from autocad as a legacy file to reduce errors).


I am having an issue in that when I change vertices to bezier instead of corner, the bezier handles do literally nothing. I can move them (so axis constraints aren't on) and the splines go nowhere. I have checked for welded vertices, and they are all fine. Any ideas?


[edit] I have found that deleting a problem segment and re-connecting the vertices fixes the issue. But this is a HUGE site, so to go about it in this way would take days and days. Any suggestions?

Edited by Macker
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Chris, what were the splines in AutoCAD? Were they Polylines, LWpolylines, lines and arcs or AutoCAD's splines?


Because although I find AutoCAD splines a pain when in AutoCAD they seem to translate thru to MAX best, obviously this would preclude any saving back to legacy versions, where these splines would become converted back to simple Polylines.


So I don't know how this could help, but I'd check within AutoCAD and make sure the geometry are all good splines, then reference it into max as is, no legacy malarky? It's been pretty reliable for me this way anyway.


Good luck.

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  • 1 month later...

I've run into this as well. Bezier handles on linework imported from AutoCAD don't work at all, no matter the interpolation value, changing the tangent type for the vertices to smooth/corner/bezier... nothing "resets" it. Did you ever find a solution, other than rebuilding the splines?

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Well then. I've learned my new thing for the day and can now go home! Thanks! I don't understand why that's a "thing", though. What's the use case for wanting a spline to ignore the tangent mode of its vertices? Why not just switch the vertices from bezier to corner? Also, there should be some sort of indication of what mode you're in. Like "hey, your spline segments are in line mode, these tangent modes are going to be grayed out because they don't do anything now."






From the help: "A tangent handle associated with a line segment displays an X at the end of the handle. You can still transform the handle, but it has no effect until the segment is converted to a curve segment."


This would be perfect if it was actually how it worked. For me, the tangent handles look the same no matter what mode the segment is in.

Edited by nauticus27
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