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Roof Edge Style Seperate Render Material?


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Roof slab, with edge style that incorporates a fascia & soffit.

Once in Viz I can only find option to add material to every part of roof slab.

I want to add a simple white to fascia & soffit. I've found the sub menus that show windows etc as parts ie, glass,frame,muntins, but can not find anything similar under roof slabs.

Advice needed. Do I need to change something in ADT or is their a way I havent found yet in Viz Render?

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Thanks for that!

Got another problem now, still with the roof. I've applied a bitmap of a darkgrey concrete roof tile to the roof layer which thanks to your advice doesnt cover fascia or soffit, but is applied in just one direction throughout drawing! I've played around with the uvw but it just seems to make global changes to all roof slabs. Is there a way to take each slab individually and turn material till its correctly oriented?


EeEEK! I'll get there in the end just upgraded from adt3.3 so Viz render is all new to me!!

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Hi Alan


Continue with the Multi-Sub material: Just add another component (#3), and COPY your material to it. Under the UVW spinners in the material, make the W=90 to turn it 90 degrees.

In the model, select the Faces that you want to have their materials rotated, and assign them ID 3.

This will apply the rotated version of the material to those faces, and the normal direction to the others (#2)


Hope that's clearly described.

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Yep, that makes sense. Thanks. I haven't used Multi-sub materials yet tho'. I went back to ADT and went into Style Manager> roof slab styles> display properties and changed fascia & soffitt to a layer I defined, then applied a white material in Viz to this layer.

The orientation problem I eventually worked out as been a toggle (auto rendering propergation toggle) that as default was set to on! Once I'd turned this off I could select individual roof parts & rotate materials individually without global effect!

Again thanks for the advice, I will be looking in the help files at multi-sub materials.

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