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Music in presentations


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What kind of music if any do you use for animations? or a slideshow?


Is it just nondescript background or is it articulated to match what's going on with the imagery? I was just wondering how much of a budget might be allocated for this.


I guess you could insert repeating subliminal messages like "you will approve" or "you will sign off".

Edited by heni30
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I guess you could insert repeating subliminal messages like "you will approve" or "you will sign off".


ha ha ha that's actually not a bad idea ;)


Well I am a musician my self so music is very important to me, when I have time or the project "deserve it" :p I compose my own music, I always ask the client for his music preference or I base the selection depending of the project.

Now most of the time, production time is very short so I usually buy music and chop it down until it match the video. Also the selection is not random I try to find something related with the project and that has a beat matching the video timing.

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Finding music to suit your animation / video is key to a nice end product, spend time searching for it!


As for budget, there are some good, low price sites such as Audio Jungle which I actually quite like, then above this are other stock sites in the £100+ range, then custom music which is of course a lot more expensive!

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I think music is very important in animation, good music can sometimes bring up bad animation and bad music bring down good animation... if you have both then you are on horse :D I dont know where to find music, in most animations I found unfamiliar music... what type of music to use also, that is the questions I have all time in my head... I love fast dominant music so that dictate fast animation...

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As for budget, there are some good, low price sites such as Audio Jungle which I actually quite like, then above this are other stock sites in the £100+ range, then custom music which is of course a lot more expensive!


Is there a problem using generic classical music - like say Vivaldi's 4 Seasons - would you have to pay fees?


It seems like everyone uses Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" at weddings with no problems.

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Most of those cuts sound so generically electronic and synthesizery.


Things are homogeneous-ized to make the music non-offensive so it's all lukewarm and bland.


I went to some well known studio sites and I hear the same thing. They edit things so their is a variation in volume when changing shots but that's about it.


Can anyone recommend some animations where the sound is actually creative and really relevant in a very specific way to content (not just spacey and other worldy)?

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If there is time I'll write my own music to things. That said, there's rarely time.


I wish I could do that. All I lack is the time and any hint of talent or skill. My son is quite good at producing very good multitrack digital pieces, so I have used his music a few times in animations.


What I do other times is find old, public domain American jazz as a bed. The feel works well with my style.

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