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Clear Anodized Aluminum Mat.


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Does anyone by chance have or know where to find a picture(s) that is tile-able texture worthy of a clear anodized aluminum mullion? I've already been to CGtextures.


I'm trying to make one using Mental Ray Arch and Design Mats but its not coming out right. No, I dont have Vray (I wish). Or know what settings for the template metals in Arch&Design?


Thanks for your help.

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Do you have photoshop? Make a picture with the desired size in pixels, filter -> noise (greyscale), then add a motionblur (horizontal with whatever length looks good), then make the texture seamless (offset half the width of the image in one direction, use the clone tool, then offset in the other direction and use the clone tool again).

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Does anyone by chance have or know where to find a picture(s) that is tile-able texture worthy of a clear anodized aluminum mullion? I've already been to CGtextures.


I'm trying to make one using Mental Ray Arch and Design Mats but its not coming out right. No, I dont have Vray (I wish). Or know what settings for the template metals in Arch&Design?


Thanks for your help.


You can do this with mr and the A&D material. Start with the Brushed Metal: Reflection > open the Color material map (i.e. Noise)

-Under "Noise Parameters"change these settings:

Size from 1.0 to 0.1

High from 1.0 to 0.16

Levels: from 3.0 to 1.0

-Jump back up to Reflection>Glossy Samples and bump to like 90, this will help with the speckling that is still present when you dial the noise down.

-Down to Anisotropy next and spin down from 0.05 to 0.01

-Down to Special Effects and turn on some Ambient Occlusion

-Advanced Rendering Options down at the bottom you may or may not want to turn the Back Face Culling off

-Finally open the Fast Glossy Interpolation and next to Interpolation grid density set the drop down to '1'


Last, be sure to set your UV Mapping on whatever object you are applying the material to. I got some nice results with this set-up.

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