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Is There A Plugin For This?

Michael J. Brown

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I need to show different pieces of furniture in alternate color/material options within the context of a website. Clients need to be able to simply click on (or hover over) a color swatch in order to change the color/material of specific scene objects in a static view. (similar to this: http://www.ford.com/suvs/explorer/gallery/colors-and-360-views/)


Is there either a plugin for MAX or a 3rd party software that I can use to build this functionality? Or will it just have to be done the caveman way of having separate jpgs display whenever the user clicks on a different color/material option.



Thanks guys!

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I don't think you're comparing comparable.


COLIMO is tool that using self-generated(but rendered) masks allows you to do post-render alterations to materials that would otherwise not be possible. It works in conjunction with your native DCC(3dsMax) app. This can help you generate your content (color and material variations) in easy way, which would otherwise be quite painful to organize and render.


That company (Chameleon) you linked is only group of people writting bespoke app&solutions on presenting your content. Depending on how you want to present the varied material options to your client, you might need both of those solutions.


It's apples and oranges.

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