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New PC - What do you think about this?

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Hi all


Ive been asking some tech friends about a potential new PC build and they have come up with this configeration for me below. I will primarily use it for 3DS Max/Vray/Adobe Suite.


What are your thoughts on this? I am not that familiar with this high tech stuff and what is best for what I need so I would appreciate some help.




INTEL S2600CW2 SKT2011-3 2xCPU/DDR4x16/2xGBe

INTEL XEON E5-2630V3 2.40GHz SKT2011-3 20MB/6CORE (quantity x 2)

ECO III-120 CPU LIQUID COOLING KIT 120MM. (quantity x2)

KINGSTON 8GB DDR4-2133MHz REG. ECC. - KVR21R15S4/8 (quantity x 4 = 32 gig)

256GB SP920 SSD ADATA 560/360MB/s IOPS up to 96k/80k



This comes to around 8k


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Hi Joel - like i said I use it for 3DS/Vray and the Adobe suite.

I mainly do still images.


by the way, i set up my post the way i want to set up my post. Everyone is different and has different ways of expressing themselves and explaining things. Please dont hijack my post and do something better and more productive with your time.


Maybe you are not familiar with this high tech stuff, but i'm sure you are familiar with the way you work with your pc. Tell us more about that and maybe you can save some cash.


Here's an example of how to setup a post: http://forums.cgarchitect.com/77782-quadro-vs-gtx-3ds-max-machine-here-my-priorities.html

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Underwhelming configuration, imho, and price appears to be a bit high for what you get (although I don't know about pricing in AU that much).


We have discussed it before: "cheaper" xeons with low GHz speeds are a bit underwhelming to be used in workstations, 1P or 2P, simply because you won't be utilizing more than 1-3 threads out of the 24 this proposed system you have for most of the time. That would make a simple i7-4xxx faster than this pretty expensive system, for most of the time, which is a big waste.


Of course faster clocked Xeons are much more expensive, but not dis-proportionally so.

Actually it is pretty proportionate, and if you REALLY need a 2P system, you should be investigating getting something faster than 2.4GHz.


PSU: this is oversized. A 750 is more than enough for a 2P and even a couple of GPUs.


GPU: this is also overkill, and probably the single most expensive part in this built. But won't do much for your purposes.

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Thanks Dimitris - I thought it was a very expensive price and I did mention to him that the quadros wasnt going to give me the difference I was after compared to a GTX card (currently have a gtx 780 6gig). Although I do feel it is laggish at times in viewports compared to my old quadro 4000.


so would you recommend your PC configeration from your site?



thanks again for the assistance



Underwhelming configuration, imho, and price appears to be a bit high for what you get (although I don't know about pricing in AU that much).


We have discussed it before: "cheaper" xeons with low GHz speeds are a bit underwhelming to be used in workstations, 1P or 2P, simply because you won't be utilizing more than 1-3 threads out of the 24 this proposed system you have for most of the time. That would make a simple i7-4xxx faster than this pretty expensive system, for most of the time, which is a big waste.


Of course faster clocked Xeons are much more expensive, but not dis-proportionally so.

Actually it is pretty proportionate, and if you REALLY need a 2P system, you should be investigating getting something faster than 2.4GHz.


PSU: this is oversized. A 750 is more than enough for a 2P and even a couple of GPUs.


GPU: this is also overkill, and probably the single most expensive part in this built. But won't do much for your purposes.

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You can definitely pick and choose to vamp parts that make sense to you, but yes, I think it is a good basis for building a workstation on. Won't be as fast as rendering as even the low-end 2P you have, but will be "ok". You could always replace the 5820K with something faster, although I don't see anything slower than the 5960X worth the trouble.


I would honestly keep the 780 in the new system, but...it is your money. It would be great if you could find someone with a K5200 to try your models on and build realistic expectations on, but from my testing so far, limited to a 970 as the fastest card in my arsenal atm, shows that there isn't a great advantage in using Quadro cards in 3DS - the contrary.




Sure, the K5200 is a fast card and will be much faster than the K4000 (the fastest Quadro I had, quite a bit faster than the 4000 you had positive exp. with), but I predict it won't be that fast to warrant its pricetag in any way. At least not for a D3D app taht doesn't have optimized drivers - like 3DS. I actually think I saved lots of $$ for my current employer, insisting on getting a PC with a K4200 instead of the K5200 they already had in queue for me (you don't get GTX/Radeon choices with Dell workstations). Too bad maybe, I could have borrowed it for the weekend for some benches =)

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