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Composing render usign vray passes


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I'd like to ask You for help guys because I have a problem.


I want to make my render from the begining in PS using vray passes.

It's a simple scene containing 4 lights, and very basic geometry. No reflective materials.


My goal is to be able to tweak separate lights in PS so that I could turn one of them off (and not to have shadows that this light produces).

I presume I need Vraydiffuse, 4xVraySelect (I have four lights) and VrayRawGi.


When trying to compose them using linear dodge (diffuse is at the very bottom, and Gi and 3 lights are over it) all becomes too white.

I tried different blending mode but I'm floundering in the dark.


And one more thing. RGB pass which is also rendered looks the same in PS like the final render in Max, so I don't think that my results have stgh to do with inappropriate gamma settings.


What I'm doing wrong here?



Edited by charlieinolas
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