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Bercon Noise mapping problem


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Hello Guys,


I am having some difficulty with the mapping of berconNoise maps. When I put a berconnoise map in the diffuse slot, and make this texture visible, than the render output has a totally different mapping?


I have not uvw mapped the object, just simple editpoly with a bercon-noisemap as diffuse. When i add a uvw map nothing really changes.


What am I doing wrong with the mapping? I attached a jpeg with the render and viewport, and i attached the 2014 maxfile.


Somebody knows the answer? It is really difficult to setup complex materials if the mapping is not the same as in the viewport.


Bercon Test.zipFetching info...

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Bercon (and 3dsmax) noise maps are generally procedural and therefore not affected by UVW mapping. Although you do have the option to use Explicit Map Channel which will allow you to use UVW maps to control it. That might give you what you're after.

Edited by stef.thomas
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