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Vray Render Setup Help


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Hi all,


the company I work for is looking to use v-ray to render the POS we produce. We currently use MR and find for an average unit like the one I have attached takes about 7 minutes to render (This is with maps on the unit).


Now I believe we can use vray to get better results but faster, plus there's a massive resource out on the internet for vray compared to MR.


This is were I need your help, I have set a simple 3 light setup. I've used 3 vray lights and their samples are set at 100.


The background you see with the white border is a jpeg I've used in the environment slot as all our units go onto this background.


My first problem is how can I render onto this background with vray but not have it as the environment as it affects the renders. I just want to have a white environment but for the unit to appear on that background. Do you know how to do this?


Also why does it appear grey? The border is white in the jpg but appears grey in my renders.



Also could you crit my render & camera settings to see if there's is anything I can change that can take down render time a bit without a noticeable difference on quality.





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