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Is Viz being droped


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If anything, I would like to see VIZ developed even more diversely from Max. I don't have much in common, creatively speaking, with people who create games and big-bossomed super heroes.


We deserve our own stuff.



I second that. I want to use Viz for as long as its available. However, the only thing that worries me is file compatibility between viz & max. When Viz 2005 came out I was so happy because that meant I could share files with people using Max 6. I work with people who use Max to make models for me and its so nice not having to worry about the files not working.

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Good comment.......! You are very right...... Viz will never become more important to us until Discreet see the difference on their client base....! As long as we are categorized as similar to the "Dinosaur" creators we will get "dinosaur" creator tools.....




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I'm okay with taking Viz down another road and really developing it as a tool for Architecture, instead of it being a stripped down version of Max, however, if they do that they need to include more/better animation tools. There are those of us who do a fair amount of video presentations and simple camera movements just don't cut it.

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