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Please! Help needed ASAP

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Hello everybody!


This is my first post!


I'm a 3D generalist from Argentina. I've been working with 3D for several years now and always try to learn more.


I have a HUGE problem right now. I was asked by a client to model a crater to be printed out, which will be used on a TV set as anamorphic art.


The client wants me to render out a 370*277cm 300dpi (43700*32776px) image. I have sent this job to render on RebusFarm but have received "fatal error" and "render error" each time I try it.


As it is a render farm, the first time I tried to render the full image, with no luck.

No I used Tiled Camera from C4D to render the image with Vray. but I still get huge render times or errors.


I contacted the RebusFarm technical dept and they told me to optimize the file for RAM usage as it is taking more than 64GB of RAM which is the nodes' limit.


The image is in Cinema4D and renders with VrayForC4D


Can someone help me out with this? I need to deliver the image first thing on Monday and I am quite desperate.


ANY help will be much appreciated!


Thanks to you all! :o



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DPI is a print term that ultimately is more relative to the image tonality than the size you will need to render. PPI is what you will want to concern yourself with as this is how many digital pixels will be printed out per inch. And 300 PPI for a 12' image seems WAY high. no one will ever perceive that. You can probably render for 72PPI for a higher LOD or even half that if this will only be viewed from afar.


It highly is likely that your client has no idea what they are saying when they say 300 DPI, only that they know that is a fairly standard printer quality.



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Thank you all for your help! I actually got in contact with Devin Johnston, and he helped a big deal.


I'm not a noob in 3D but every now and then a client shows up that wants weird stuff. I finally made it and it rendered out fine with RebusFarm.


nicnic, I'm glad I made you laugh. I'd rather ask about what I don't know and be laughed at than hiding behind ignorance.


Thank you Corey, I will take a look at that link.


And again, thank you all for helping!

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You're right!


The scene contained two overlapping Loft objects:

- The first is a hole in the ground with a displace deformer, a HYPERNurbs and a displacement material to simulate a "crater".

- second object was exact same as above but the displacement material had "water level" activated so only parts ("rocks") would show protruding from the "crater". (see attached image)


As they had asked me for suck a big sized render, I used C4D's Tiled Camera which divided the image into 25 single ones that would later be put together in Photoshop as a puzzle.


Everything worked fine for a simple preview render, but went over 10 hours for a single frame (each puzzle piece).


I actually removed the HYPERNurbs and left the "rocky" Loft without it, and also lowered the displacement material parameters for that object.


I did get strange artifacts (see image), which I believe had something to do with the type of geometry or that I didn't enable the "keep continuity" feature. I really don't know for sure. The artifacts were thin lines on the whole hole mesh, but I got rid of them with Photoshop "dust and scratches" filter.


Anyway, the image rendered out fine, the client received it and everybody's happy.


Thanks to you all!



20150916 - AM_OK.jpg

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