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Diffuse channel random color correct script?


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I have a feeling I am looking for something so specific it might not exist but I can hope! I am looking for a script that will apply a color correct with random values to the diffuse channel of a material that is applied to a mesh used many times in a scene.


Practical example:


A scene with a ton a landscaping, including trees. I want all the trees to be slightly varied in color so they don't all look the same.


Is there a script that can do this? Or another solution that I am not thinking of?



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Thanks guys for the advice. We use multiscatter in our office and when you mentioned that Forrest Pro had a feature for what I was asking I thought then maybe multiscatter did as well. Turns out it does, im still learning MS so thats great that it has that feature. Thanks!

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Multi scatter has a multi mat shader, that will help you to do color variance per scattered element. Be careful because this also varies in animations. not per frame but for session.


Also if you are using V Ray 3 you can use the new multcolorSubText, that does exactly the same, but within V Ray which IMO is always better to avoid problems ;)

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