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render set up dialogue box disappears

Virgil Johnson

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Two things to try. First, the dialog might be opening off screen. Happens to me when I'm at home on single monitor and remote in to my dual monitor workstation. This script will get it back for you: http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/give-me-back-my-dialogs


Second, delete C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2016 - 64bit\ENU. That holds all the settings for Max and does not get overwritten on a reinstall.

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Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!


I went the second (deletion) route since there was also a problem with a unusable explorer window opening as well.

This worked like a charm.

I think it was the two monitor thing that caused the problem.


I see you live in Baltimore. Thinking about moving there. My son works at Johns Hopkins Children's Hospital and he has been after me to come live near him.


Thanks again.



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  Virgil Johnson said:
I see you live in Baltimore. Thinking about moving there. My son works at Johns Hopkins Children's Hospital and he has been after me to come live near him.


Thanks again.




Glad it worked! Baltimore has some very nice areas along with the very not-so-nice areas you see on The Wire. The thing I like about this city is that you don't have to go far to change your scenery. I live in a quiet suburban neighborhood and drive 20 minutes either through the set of The Wire or through neighborhoods with old million dollar homes to get to work, depending on which road I take. Our office is right on the water between an old historic neighborhood and an area with lots of new city development. We're an hour from DC, two hours from the mountains, two hours from the ocean, and a few hours from New York. We have our problems just like any other city, but overall it's a nice place to live.

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try this again --lost the first post


You sold me.


I am an architectural woodworker so those old houses beckon.

Shoji paid the way through the first graduate school.


If you look through the old posts (2007) you see I am a technical drawer and not an artist. Precision (public review with courtroom worthiness) drawing.

Seems to me Baltimore is looking at updates to the infrastructure so visual impact studies (along with GIS - think City Engine) is what will be called for. My market.



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