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Why are my windows inside the wall & not thru it as usual?


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Ive recently upgraded from ADT3.3 to ADT2005.

Im having problems working out why windows Ive added to a wall dont make an opening in the wall for themselves, these windows are inside the wall and therefore will not display when shaded or taken into Viz & rendered.

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Sounds like the wall is not recognizing the window style. If it is a style from 3.3 that you have carried over - try re-creating it natively in 2005. Also - sometimes if walls have cleanup issues they are fussy about recognizing door and window objects towards the wall ends. Another option is to create an extruded solid or mass element the size of the opening you want to cut and adding it as a "subtractive" interference condition. If you keep these solids/mass elements on a seperate layer - you can then freeze the layer and easily choose not to bring it into VIZ when linking your file.



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