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My son Jacob


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Welcome to My World. Bet it's not for the same reason though


Ooh! Breast humor! Glad to hear you are nursing, Fran! It's so important. I cannot understand how America became a place where it was odd for a mother to nurse her baby. It was actually considered 'indecent exposure' by some laws. Fortunately that is swinging back the other way. A nation being over-run with 'Christian values' that bans nursing in public--like Mary wouldn't have nursed the baby Jesus.


The great thing about babies is they are so basic they force us to re-connect to our basic, humble selves.


Geoff, good for you and your wife!

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Congratulations Geoff. Always nice to hear.


Ernest, I totally agree but it's not just the U.S.

My wife was subjected to abuse by an older guy in a restaurant while she breast-fed our second daughter.


It made me so mad when she told me. Is anything more natural?

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Congratulations Geoff. Always nice to hear.


Ernest, I totally agree but it's not just the U.S.

My wife was subjected to abuse by an older guy in a restaurant while she breast-fed our second daughter.


It made me so mad when she told me. Is anything more natural?


I'm always happy to hear about supportive husbands - it's so important.


Geoff - do they have peaches over there in England? I think babies smell like peaches. :)

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My wife was subjected to abuse by an older guy in a restaurant while she breast-fed our second daughter.


Pretty ironic--your wife had to see him eat. Not everyone is so attractive while they eat, I've been offended by fellow diners on occasion, but I cannot ask them to go have their meal in the bathroom. For better or worse, we have decided that eating and drinking is a body function that we will do in public. Why should babies be barred?


I limited my comment to the US because that is where I live, and I realize there are other countries and cultures that have very different views about what parts of the body are appropriate to be seen in public, though this more often than not applies especially to women.

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I can just about use a PC one handed!

Thank you for all your kind words


Tired Geoff and happy Jacob

Just wait until you have two extra hands very determined to help, you'll need three hands to keep the two hands off the keyboard.


Out 18 month old can log in and open programs as well as he can walk!!



It's all good


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  • 2 weeks later...

Again Thanks.


Sorry about the delayed response.

Back at work now. Missing my family.

Congratulations to Fran on your baby. We do have peaches here in the UK as well as a whole host of other fruit. Jacob sometimes smells of peaches and sometimes he is a bit smellier!

In the UK we are encourged to breastfeed, and it was something Lisa really wanted to do. Lisa couldn't cope with the breastfeeding and all these new emotions and after 10 days, Jacob is now being bottle-fed.

This is still cool though as I can feed him, and mum got a well deserved break (32 hour labour with no drugs other than a TENS machine and gas & air, seriously very impressive).

Jacob also has the modern version of terry nappies (washable diapers for you americans). No disposibles as they are not bio-degradable.


Enough babbling, back to drawing staircases.





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