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Testing the waters...


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Hey all,


I've sort of spent all my patience looking for definitions of terms, tutorials, ect. I'm looking to create a website dedicated to the Arch side of 3DS/Viz 2005/Photoshop vizualization complete with how to's on say NPR's and other stuff.


It's mostly to keep myself organized, but I feel it would benefit the community. My question is, how open is the community to creating a site such as this. Would you find it useful? It's different from this one as it'd be a resource with no forum or pesky things for me to keep updated...just info on various techniques on grass, water, glass, along with definitions of what all these different terms are and WHAT it is that they actually do.


In no way would this rival CGA...in fact, I'd probably state on the main page that CGA is the place to go for discussion/articles/ect.


Anyways, would anyone find this useful to have essentially a one-stop site for terms, free plugins (not those crappy ad-based sites), specific renderers pluses and minuses, and general arch info?

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it'd be a resource with no forum or pesky things for me to keep updated...QUOTE]


I think that if you were going to do a one stop site for all tutorials, plugins, and materials you would have to keep it current. There’s always a new tutorial or material that someone has created and if you don't keep up on them then what's the point. There are many sites out there already like 3Dcafe who have attempted to do this very thing, although it hasn’t been strictly limited to the architectural community. I for one would be happy to see a new site that had all of these things in it, but it needs to stay current and have more to offer than just beginner information.

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Nah, I'd definitely want control over my stuff i post and organization and also doesn't solve the problem. Thanks tho.


I think the current crop of sites just upload whatever tutorial is given...there are a lot of crappy ones...a LOT.


I'm gonna do this sort of thing regardless for my personal sake (offline)...I just wanna know if it'd be useful for others (online) as well. Cuz if it was, I'd probably design one for everyone.

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I think it would be a great Idea. I hate having to remember what site had what information in my bookmarks. I'm sure that you will have to do some updating on it though. New tutorials come around all the time. If you wanted to limit the updating though, just have a submit button where a person can send you a tutorial or something and if you think its "good enough", put it on your site. It would just be nice to go to a site that has new tutorials every so often. Even if it is about the same thing.


Just because a tutorial shows you one way, it's nice to see other ways to achieve the same effect.

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Overall a fine idea, but where do you stop? Tutorials and ideas for which programs? It could get overwhelming.


There is a good collection of models, textures links on VizWhiz's site. Have a look at that for some ideas, or 'partner' the sites if he agrees. Or agree to contribute your time to that site or this instead of starting a new one.


All just ideas to think about, I do not mean to discourage you.


Saturday morning? Only a problem if you spend Friday night out partying. Ryan?

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guessing from this discussion ryan, it seems to me you're thinking along these lines, but i may be wrong :) :




which is also a one man operation. seems do-able and would be a valuable resource, as is this fellow's page. great decision, go for it!

Hey Robin nice site! Did you program that yourself or did you use an existing program? I've been looking for a program to automatically convert my personal bookmarks to a format like that. I like the up/down status part too.

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If you wanted to limit the updating though, just have a submit button where a person can send you a tutorial or something and if you think its "good enough", put it on your site.

That's a good concept in theory, but from someone who knows....it won't happen. ;-) I started CGA with the same idea...people would submit all the content....it just doesn't work that way.

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Hey Robin nice site!



**looks up, embarrassed...who me??** no, that's not me on that web page :D it just seemed to me to be a suitable reference for ryan, sort of along the lines i understood him to be thinking.


from a users point of view tho, it's pretty darned useful and is a benchmark of sorts in the lw community. i know it to be a one man operation (tho i'd hate to see his bookmarks folder), so the concept is a feasible one!


best of luck to ryan in pursuing the same :)

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