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Vray Question


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I am experimenting with the free VRAY demo on the internet, trying to decide if I should purchase it. When I render with it all my surfaces render on both sides. How can I make it just to render the normals and not double surfaces. Is it that I have to use their materials.....





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Thanks for the response..... I have tried various standard materials but I can't find the switch to turn off either side. Are these special material by VRay....


When I applied a material and assign the VRay renderer I loose the option that will let me select the back side to assign full transparency.


How do I do what you suggest...? I placed a camera inside my hospital room and I already noticed the image out of the FREE DEMO Vray is superior to the standard scanline renderer.


I am attaching the view I am trying to do. When I render this view on VRay all I see is the roof...


Thanks very much for you response. I modeled this room on SolidWORKS. It is a very primitive image just to test VRay....




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That is what I ended up doing. However, due to the way I modeled the room (My mistake) I placed the crown molding on the same body as the ceiling. If I turn the ceiling off, I will also turn off the crown molding. I guess I can go back and fix the modeling mistake.


What is making me doubtful about VRay is that I have to use their materials.... Is that the case or is that a interpretation mistake from my part?


The rendering seems to be faster than the regular Viz or Mental Ray.... but other than this fact I don't seem to see any other advantage....!




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First, you can go into the sub-object edit mode and detatch the faces for the crown/ceiling and make them their own separate object. That's an easy fix. Then they can have separate materials if you like.


You don't have to use Vray materials in order to use Vray. Supposedly Vray materials are faster than standard materials, but I believe I've only seen that to be the case with raytraced materials, as with Vray, you can tweak more of the settings to speed up rendering times for that material.


To me, Mental Ray is a pain in the ...well, you get my drift. I don't like it. Every time I've used it I've never been able to figure out the settings enough to get decent render times. With Vray, you can simply set the presets, and you're good to go - usually. I used the free Vray version for a couple years in production work, and loved it. I finally convinced my company to buy the full advanced version about 6 months ago.

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What I had suggested is that you use a the double side material. What I mean by that is that is you look under the different types of materials listed in MAX, one of them is called "Double Sided" it is a two sided material where you can assign a standard material to the front face and second one to the backface.


As far as having to use a Vraymat. Yeap, there is a big advantage to using it (but you do not have to since VrayFree does not come with it).


The advantages of Vray go way beyond its speed. As do the advantages of MentalRay. It really depends on your exact focus of what you do.


If you want one of the fastest irradiance caching methods (final gather), infinite light bounces (lightmap), fast displacement, etc... vray may be for you.


MentalRay and the radiosity engine in MAX each have their own cool advantage too.

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Christopher and Eric,


Thanks very much for your comprehensive report. Currently I am out of the office, as soon as I get back I will work on your suggestions.


All my doubts on these things are perhaps the result of my lack of knowledge. However, I will purchase the VRay today to practice more.


Thanks again


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  • 3 weeks later...
Christopher and Eric,


Thanks very much for your comprehensive report. Currently I am out of the office, as soon as I get back I will work on your suggestions.


All my doubts on these things are perhaps the result of my lack of knowledge. However, I will purchase the VRay today to practice more.


Thanks again



Hello Elliot,


Don't know if you've finally sorted this out but in VRAY Mat (advanced)

you can deflag the Double-Sided option (which is the default BTW).

Its there in the Material's option panel.


Hope this helps.



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Thanks for the inofrmation. I still have not solved all the problems. I have been involved with other things plus the Holidays...!


Thanks for the inofrmation, I am going to look right away into this suggestions. It is a coincidensethat last night I was working on the file of the same client.




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