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European Meeting


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Hi all,


Lot's of us go to the siggraph meeting, but some of us - European? - may not find the time/funding/whatever to join this wonderful cga-event... So what are your thoughts on a European meeting?






(To be very clear: a European meeting does not exclude any world-citizen at all. It just means we meet somewhere in Europe... Everybody is welcome)

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I here you nisus and i think in theory this sounds like a fantastic idea. in practice tho i think it wont happen. i've been trying to organise a uk 'forum' before without much luck.


ppl like the idea but find difficulty into putting their money where their mouths are when push comes to shove.


in my opinion, whats needed is either a big national meeting like at Siggaph or ppl meeting up when they just happen to be in town.


for instance, i'm off to Austria at christmas time, stopping at france and germany en-route. if anyone lives in austria i'd love to meet up with you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry nisus didn't see this post until today...


i think its a cool idea, but we need sponsors, and a place to go...


but i'm all for it, also for the idea from strat, just visit people around europe (or the world) that are in the cgarchitect buisness...


So STRAT.. if you are passing through holland, give me a yell and we'll meet..

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