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Site Spam - please help report it

Jeff Mottle

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Hi all,


So we just made live a very expensive suite of tools we had developed to combat spam on the site. Late last year we tried the tools already built in, but it was not enough.


I know many of you have stopped reporting spam as we were finding and deleting it within 24-48 hour usually, but for the next month if you could please let me know if you find a post that is spam by reporting it, I would really appreciate it.


You can do so by clicking the "Report Post" button at the bottom left of every post. If you see spam anywhere else, you can also email me at jmottle@cgarchitect.com


There are so many vectors for these spam attacks, which also change daily, and I don't yet know how well the efforts will work. We'll be fine tuning based on your reports.


There is no way we'll stop it 100%, but my hope is to knock out 98% of it.



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  • 5 years later...

Is it so bad with work now that there are still spammers? I mean, when I was in desperate need of money, I was often offered such a job, but they pay very little, and you get constantly negative comments about yourself as a spammer. It is a pity that people do not have enough adequate work (

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