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Back to our roots - LEGO!

Jeff Mottle

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Where've you been? Lego has been publishing virtual building blocks for at least five years. My little geek (12 year old Jesse) has been building digital lego from way back.

LOL. I have no kids and I've not played with LEGO since I was in Grade School. What is that like 15-20 years ago..... LEGO will be mantitory in our house though if we have kids. :)
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LOL. I have no kids and I've not played with LEGO since I was in Grade School. What is that like 15-20 years ago..... LEGO will be mantitory in our house though if we have kids. :)


I haven't played with LEGOs in, what...twelve hours?


I didn't DL the LegoCAD thing yet, as my son is heavily involved in blowing my mind (as usual) with Zbrush. He's already a little Picasso with the Legos. What he does with a few little bricks is amazing, the kid is a natural sculptor and is just as comfortable in digital 3D as with materials in his hands.


He's promised to explain Zbrush to me, once I find time to learn it.

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Jeez I still high jack the legos when the kids are not looking, well even somrtimes when they use them, hehehe.


When I was a kid it was just blocks. It was really cool just to get a set with windows and roof pieces. Moving pieces was left for 'erector sets' and 'tinker toys'. The expert builder sets showed up when I was like 14 yrs old. Needless to say I was a closet lego user:o. This will sound old hat but the newer "worlds" sets take much of the challenege and joy out of them.


Have to download the program.....must......get......lego.....fix.....



Off to build with real world legos


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Hey Chad, I've been to the lego store at disneyworld as well. It's cool but we are thinking of taking a trip to so-cal in the spring and wondering if Lego Land there is a worthy stop.


wda, I know what you mean about taking the creativity out with some of the sets. I've seen my much younger brother in law build an x-wing fighter and has left it untouched on his shelf for about 2 years now. A real shame. Although my son has some sets like that but since he is too young to follow the instructions he uses the wing shapes to make "flying megazords" or whatever else thinks of.

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This will sound old hat but the newer "worlds" sets take much of the challenege and joy out of them.


I completely agree. My legos were just a bag-o-blocks, out of which I made whatever I wanted.


My son will build the 'set' but the pieces are soon forever mixed into the lego general population (all over his room, the kitchen, the basment...) I really meant the Picasso remark about my son. He takes a few bricks and transforms them into the most wonderful things. He has the rare ability to make things that are greater than the sum of their parts.


And he has access to pro 3D software...

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Oh, and there is/was a great lego software for building models and animating them in 3D camera views, called 'Lego Creator'. The only problem is it will only run on W95 or W98. I emailed the software company and they had no fix for later OSs. I have no computers that use W98 so the software is useless. Yes, I tried every possible 'compatibility' mode.

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We had the same problem with Lego Creator. We tried partitioning our drive so we could have a dual boot. What a mess. However there is a solution. The camera that comes with the set is the problem. There exists a driver for that camera provided by the manufacturer and it runs in WIN2000. I'll have to search out my e-mails on this subject somewhere, but once you do this, you can get 90% of the Lego Creator Features to work. I'll get back to you if I can find it.

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Hi All,


I must be an outcast again, because I was raised with "Fisher Technik" , a Lego-counterpart/competitor. At that time, Lego Technique was just hitting the market with more solid blocks (not simply placing them one onto another) whereas Fisher Technik had already a more robust way of connecting the blocks for years... All kind of elektronics were implemented in FT way before Lego did... I don't know if FT still exists, but it was great and avantgarde used at many universities at that time...

Anyone still knows about it???





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