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MaterialID and ObjectID rendering black


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I'm a bit new to Vray.

in thea render this would color code the rendered image for post.

added matID and oID to the render elements list - I can choose them from the drop down on the VFB but they are all black (image & alpha rendered fine).

am I missing something?

should I have done something with the model?



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Oh, yes, you are missing something. And something that you should change is object ID, in object properties dialog, like here


you can very the numbers with no limits

and, for the mat id like here, you can vary from 0 till 15, not so much, yes.



Now, you'll have proper images, and please be aware of filterings and AA settings within render elements, check where they are.

Also, sometimes those 2 elements do not have proper AA, so you should stick with Object Wireframe color render element.


Cheers and good luck!

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Hi Thanks for your reply!

hat's new to me! coming from Thea render (you don't need to set anything, the engine color codes everything for you).

what do you mean by AA filter setting?

and why would you use object wireframe color render? how would you use that and why is it better then oID?


Now, you'll have proper images, and please be aware of filterings and AA settings within render elements, check where they are.

Also, sometimes those 2 elements do not have proper AA, so you should stick with Object Wireframe color render element.


Cheers and good luck!

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Hi Yuval,


There's a script which will do it for you, which I've uploaded to scriptspot. The link is below. All you have to do is run the script on your scene before you render and Material and Object ID will be all randomized for you.




Kind regards,



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