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3dsmax creating a line while panning & zooming


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i have been using 3dsmax for a couple of years, but i usually start a model in autocad just for one reason, i have not found the way in which i can create a line and while the command is active continue to zoom and pan so i can be more precise as i do in autocad, is this possible in 3dsmax...im sure it is, so please someone tell me how easy it may be!!, thanks

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If you have a wheeled mouse, you can do just that. Once you start the line, you can scroll the wheel up and down to zoom in and out around the cursor point on screen. Give it a try. Other than that, I know of no way to make your line command "transparent."



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i can zoom in and out with the wheel of the mouse but it is only in the same origin, so if i need to zoom in to a specific area so i can continue to draw the line i cant make the zoom go to that specific area, so i cant pan while the line command is active. there must be a way.

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Gregory and Daniel,


There is definitely a way. Make sure that in the Customize>Preferences box on the viewport tab, that the zoom about mouse point boxes are checked on the right hand side (and the Pan/Zoom radio button is checked).


I don't know if there is a setting in windows that you have to change, I've never had to change anything for that to work, and I've been able to do it in at least MAX4.2 and MAX6...on three different machines. So it can definitely be done...I'm doing it right now. :)



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Just press the letter 'I' (Interactive Pan) to center the screen at the current pointer location. Pressing the '[' and ']' buttons will zoom you in and out, also.


In Preferences, Viewports tab, you'll find the center mouse wheel adjustments. Make sure it is set to Pan/Zoom, and I usually have the two Zoom About checkboxes set.


Have fun! :D

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you don't need to change anything in max by default

just check the mouse setup in windows, the scroll wheel should be setup in the most 'default way'. so all added software from the mouse can reset that.

for instance if you have a windows- and max setup from scratch plug in a usb logitech mous with scroll wheel, and it works.

but note that the panning (by pressing the scroll button) brakes the command, so only the rotation-zoom will keep the command going.

but if u hold the pointer to the side of the screen it is possible to move the center of the max viewport by zooming in and out, and that will allow u to pan.

once you get the hang of that... it's very easy :D


if you have still trouble zooming with the mouse wheel, than alter only in windows mouse setup the middle button function untill it does work

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