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Very nice so far! I like the Vray stone cut stone displacement.




Just Can't resist answering the question........

How many pounds of cheese is the average american?


A. 10 pounds

B. 20 pounds

C. 30 pounds If your from Wisconsin, hehehe;) along with an above average amount of Beer! Creates some interesting people watching- volumes -at the 'State Fair' too.

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I worked for 12 years for a British company who bought a company from Wisconsin..... I worked with 53 co-workers all from Wisconsin..... that were moved from Madison to Atlanta. They had problems getting adapted to the South.... One of them was my boss.... later on the best man in our wedding....


When they discovered Tombstone pizza in Atlanta in 1984..... just after the families moved from Wisconsin..... Wao.....! They had a party......! They got adapted and most of them since then have retired and still live in Atl. Every once in a while they invite me to their get togethers and there is always cheese... of course from Wisconsin....


One thing I know.... and learned..... People from Wisconsin.... like Cheese...! Now we have the factory in Montreal.... guess what.... People there love cheese too.....! Whenever I have both groups together I avoid the subject of cheese.... He he he (Translated Hi Hi Hi)


See you.....



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