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Has anyone used Vue?


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What are your thoughts on it?


I'm interested by the reviews I read, but honestly, I trust the people's opinions at this site more than any other. Does anyone have any experience in this?


The official site's gallery is pretty small with smaller resolution images than I'd want to see on my work, so I cant tell the quality. Thanks in advance!

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I used Vue a lot about 4 or 5 years ago and then put it away in favor of Cinema 4D. But with the new version 5 offering some simple GI capabilities, I took a look at it again, and it can produce some good results if you're willing to alter your workflow a bit.

The workflow requires that I do all of my modeling in Sketchup and then export as a 3ds file to Vue. A couple landmines to watch out for:

1 - the modeling must be setup so that layer = material for mapping in Vue.

2 - the model is static once imported to Vue, so if you need to alter the geometry of the model you'll need to re-import and start over with the mapping, etc.

Render times can be a problem as well, but the real reason I keep using it is the incredible ease with which I can set up a scene. Here's a recent example - the trees, people and interior lighting were done in Photoshop, but the scene took about 15 minutes to set up and tweek within Vue. Render time at 2400 pixels wide was about 3 or 4 hours.


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Yeah I do that all the time - it's great for trees. Ever since ver 4, you export custom trees from Vue - the ability to control the number of vertices is extremely helpful. They're not as good as Xfrog or the like, but Vue trees are perfect for mid to far ranges. You can also export terrains this way, but I haven't ever tried that. Hope that helps!

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