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Z Depth past 10000 inches?


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Hey all.


I'm working on an animation and I've got a wide open field as a background... I want to desaturate and reduce the contrast over the distance past my building out to my tree lines, however I'm finding that the Render Elements Z Depth pass has a limit out to 10,000 units. With the units in inches, I need the depth map to START at 12,000 and terminate at 70,000.


The obvious fix would be to change the units. I switched the max units to feet and entered the appropriate numbers, but the depth map I got back still looked like it calculated those numbers in inches. Does anyone have an idea how to generate a depth map out that far? Thanks!



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Guess I solved the problem myself. I just set up a matte pass scene and applied a radial gradient to all the objects in the scene, adjusting the inner ring to fit the radius I wanted the depth map to start from, then terminating at the end of the geometry. Works nicely.



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