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back from 7

Chad Warner

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Denying backwards compatibility in software. It's just precious, and has caused me so many, many headaches in collaborating with people who use higher versions. Just one more little way Discreet continues to force users who have no reason otherwise to continue the upgrade march. Keep that revenue going, boys, 'cause you ain't making any friends out there.



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me three , they will probably put it off until theres a rebellion with the backward compatability thing,Thats often what a monopoly will do to a company look at all the old Micro$crouge cliches, I would think eventually if enough people put it onto the wish list or moan about it something or someone will develop a soloution, it crys out for dll's probably a lame idea but i wonder if you

were able to place the needed dll's in the right folder what would happen probably nothing.. should try it ...

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To get back on topic instead of this old news above...


Back from 5 works really well in max6. The only thing I had to do was exporting sections of the max file with Bf5. I seems it could not handle massive polygon counts. But other than that, it works great.

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And unfortunately our issues are not likely to be solved until Discreet cleans up their act a little bit. My latest compatibility issue was with sharing max files with RPC content placed in them... I don't expect people who write free scripts for the benefit of the greater max community to solve the problem such that it works with all major third-party max developers. It's a monumental task already as it is. We're upgrading to 6 very shortly, now that the beta of the new VRay is nearing full-functionality (that's Chaos' problem, of course) ... but it pains me to hear that even now in 7 they haven't addressed backwards compatibility.


It's an expense in license upgrades and new training, not to mention the ability of third-party developers such as Chaos' slowness to adapt their software to the ever increasing upgrade pace. It's an unreasonable pressure on them and us users.


I know my venting doesn't solve much, but it's frustrating that there seems to be no end in sight for this problem. Indeed, with anual upgrades now the norm, it's only going to get worse. The work we do is riddled with enough surprises as it is.



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Max 7 now has a Kaydara FilmBox exporter included, which does a great job of saving as much of the scene and animation as possible, and you can download a FilmBox plugin for earlier versions of max from the Kaydara web site"


"Alias FBX is a platform-independent 3D authoring and interchange format that provides access to 3D content from most 3D vendors and platforms. The FBX file format supports all major 3D data elements, as well as 2D, audio, and video media elements."




It also gives you the ability to share amongst other programs, not just max versions:


"FBX acts as an interchange hub between most 3D software, regardless of software vendor or computer platform. "


Have fun!

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